A little morning biology,
When you chop an earth worm in half, legend tells us, you get two worms. And we all know that two worms is better than one worm! But before you go out in the yard to hunt down some Lumbricides may we suggest that you look no further than the Vermillion Worm!
Our exciting news today is that Vermillion Lies is giving way to two solo careers!
We will still be playing some shows together as Vermillion Lies, but most of our energies and attentions will be going to our solo music at this time.

Zoe's plans:
Zoe is recording her first full length album with a very talented producer in NYC (Cesar Alvarez from The Lisps) she will then embark on a solo tour that will bring her all over America and a little bit of Canadia (our homeland.)
Zoe can be found on many internet sites:

Kim's plans
Kim is doing a mini solo tour starting tomorrow(!!) with Mark Growden, then a few shows on the East Coast, a little recording session with the amazing Sean Slade (Dresden Dolls, Radiohead...) and then she's going to Berlin for three months to develop her songs and get ready to record some amazingness later in the year.
Kim on the internet:
We are both very grateful for our families, friends, and fans. Thank you for following our exploits and we hope to see you at shows in the future.
Zoe and Kim Boekbinder
Vermillion Lies

Bed photo by Roger Fojas
Kim and Zoe photos by Heike Schneider-Matzigkeit

p.s. We have a few of the wonderful Molly Crabapple shirts left, and these will be the last of this design so get them while you can!! Also check out the amazing poster she did for our last show with Amanda Palmer Vermillion Lies Store