Friday, March 21, 2008

The tour so far...

13 shows into the tour now and everything is going swimmingly.

We started out on the West Coast with a great show in Ashland Oregon. This is what fast trees look like:

We made our way up to Seattle where we stayed with Fuscia Foxx - sexiest burlesque dancer in Seattle.

Then we played in Eugene Oregon where there were 600 balloons on the floor. For some reason our photographer didn't take many pictures of us on this part of the tour, so here's the sky:

After Eugene we played in Trinidad, CA at the Westhaven Center for the Arts. We looked like this:

Then we headed to Monterey, CA for two magical shows. This is Kim with her favorite tour present ever:

In Monterey we picked up Kris Angelis who is opening for us with her lovely songs, selling our merch and sometimes dancing:

We saw a space ship:

We headed south and east into Arizona. We met some great new friends in Phoenix, like Jeff who was one of the best hosts ever. The we headed to Prescott, AZ and met Constance Hockaday:

and Brian hockaday:

This is one of Constance's paintings:

We also did some acrobatics. That's Kim:

Then we went to Taos, NM. Myles practiced polar bear faces:

We passed some desolate places:

And telling signs:

And here is what we looked like on stage:

Then we drove to Dallas. Twelve hours. And some backwards things:

Our dashboard:

and wrote this song about Texas:

more photos and videos to come!!


Zoe, Kris and Kim